"Les personnes d'origine maghrébine y sont également au nombre de 5 à 6 millions ; 3,5 millions ont la nationalité française (dont 500 000 harkis)", Hargreaves, Alec G., Multi-Ethnic France, Routledge, New York, New York, 2007, 265 pages, pages 16–17, Freedman, Jane, Immigration and Insecurity in France, Ashgate Publishing Limited, Hants, England, 2004, 182 p., page 42, Bertossi, Christophe, France: the state strives to shape "chosen immigration", IFRI, Paris, July 2008, CS1 maint: bot: original URL status unknown (. [140], According to a genetic study in 2000 based on HLA, French from Marseille "are more or less isolated from the other western European populations. The region with the largest proportion of immigrants is the Île-de-France (Greater Paris), where 40% of immigrants live. If the identity of one parent (i.e., the father) is unknown, the other (the mother) originates from a risk region. 2. More than 5.5 million are of European origin and about 4 million of Maghrebi origin (20% of Algerian origin and 15% of Moroccan or Tunisian origin). Alliance des territoires 01/01/2021. [5] Between the years 2010–17, the population of France grew from 64,613,000 to 66,991,000 (i.e. Ramos-Luisa et al. [72] Outside Europe and North Africa, the highest rate of immigration is from Vietnam, Cambodia and Senegal. [43], In 2015, Michèle Tribalat released a paper estimating population of ethnic minorities in France in 2011 to constitute 30% if ancestry retracted to 3 generations but with age limit of 60. (IFRI) immigration expert, Christophe Bertossi, states that stigmatized as both a challenge to social cohesion and a "burden" for the French economy, family immigration is increasingly restricted and constructed as a racial issue. C’est l’Ile-de-France qui a la plus grosse concentration de population urbaine : 12 millions d’habitants, soit 20 % de la population française sur 2 % du territoire. France - Population urbaine (% du total) 81,0 (%) en 2020 Urban population refers to people living in urban areas as defined by national statistical offices. At the beginning of 2008, as the government was rethinking its orientation on immigration policy with the creation of the new ministry, the idea of a quota system was introduced as a possible alternative. Figures from eurostat for metropolitan France and the overseas departments: As of 2004, French conservative think-tank Institut Montaigne estimated that there were 51 million (85%) white people of European origin, 6 million (10%) North African people, 2 million (3.5%) Black people and 1 million (1.5%) people of Asian origin in Metropolitan France, including all generations of immigrant descendants. Ethnic Vietnamese started to become a visible segment of society after the massive influx of refugees after the end of the Vietnam War in 1975. At the time, France was the only European country to permit mass immigration. Metropolitan France consists of 35,228 communes at the beginning of 2018. [75] By the end of the Spanish Civil War, some half-million Spanish Republican refugees had crossed In France an aire urbaine (literally: "urban area") is roughly the equivalent of a US Metropolitan Statistical Area.The name is extremely confusing because in English an "urban area" is not the same thing as a "metropolitan area". The area had a population of 12,405,426 as of the January 2013 census, making it the largest urban region in the European Union. A commission was formed in February 2008 to study how the Constitution could be changed to allow for a quota system. Upon being elected, he symbolically created the French Ministry of Immigration, Integration, National Identity and Codevelopment. Historians suggest that France was the most populous state in Europe from at least the period of Charlemagne and the Frankish Empire, if not earlier, to the 19th century. According to Michel Tribalat, a researcher at INED, there were 3.5 million people of Maghrebi origin (with at least one grandparent from Algeria, Morocco or Tunisia) living in France in 2005 corresponding to 5.8% of the total French metropolitan population (60.7 million in 2005). [127] This Convention is a treaty to protect migrant workers' rights, in recognition of their human rights. Émile Zola's 1899 novel Fécondité is representative of contemporary concerns about the birthrate. [130] The report is being finalized at the end of December 2010 and will be most relevant to provide insight into further immigration policy analysis for the French government. According to Christophe Bertossi, immigration expert in France's Institut français des relations internationales (IFRI), "there is a dominant trend in the French policy to stem family migration, notably conditioned after the 2007 law by a minimum level of French language tested and by the demonstration that he/she endorses the main French constitutional principles".[126]. [124] In its 2010 Budget report, the Ministry of Immigration declared it would fund €600 million for its immigration policy objectives, a figure representing 60 million more than in 2009 (otherwise an 11.5% increase from 2009 figures). - En outre beaucoup vivant hors aire urbaine y travaillent et s’y déplacent. France urbaine y référence les propositions qui impactent les collectivités. Free 2-day shipping. Figures before 1860 have been adjusted to include. However, this quota policy contradicts the French Constitution. The most important individual countries of origin as of 2007 were Algeria (702,000), Morocco (645,000), Portugal (576,000), Italy (323,000), Spain (262,000) and Turkey (234,000). In 2014 The National Institute of Statistics (INSEE, for its acronym in French) published a study, according to which has doubled the number of Spanish immigrants, Portuguese and Italians in France between 2009 and 2012. [85], The large-scale immigration from Islamic countries has sparked controversy in France. [15][19] The government's pro-natalist policy of the 1930s do not explain this sudden recovery, which was often portrayed inside France as a "miracle". It is, in fact, the highest in Europe after Ireland (the EU) and Albania (perhaps higher than Ireland's) and so most population growth is due to natural increase, unlike in the other European countries. The main difficulty is the origin principle of establishing a quota "constituting a breach in the universalistic ideology of the French Republic".[83]. Also, due to more recent immigration, between five and six million people of Maghrebi origin[66] and approximately 800,000 Turks inhabit France. [106], The difference in immigration trends is also because the labour market in France is currently less dynamic than in other countries such as the UK, Ireland or Spain. Les définitions peuvent varier. [132] A study by the CSA Institute conducted in 2003 with a sample of 18,000 people found that 65.3% considered themselves Roman Catholic, while 27% considered themselves atheists, and 12.7% (8,065,000 people) belonged to a religion other than Catholicism. En savoir plus Unlike the rest of Europe, there was no strong population growth in France in the 19th and first half of the 20th century. An immigrant woman is a woman who was born outside France and who did not have French citizenship at birth. Noiriel estimates that one third of the population currently living in France is of "foreign" descent", Marie-Christine Weidmann-Koop, In 2003, the French Ministry of the Interior estimated the total number of Muslims as 5–6 million whereas the "Front National" spoke about 8 million, in Jonathan Laurence and. France was the European country which suffered the most from World War I, with respect to the size of its population, losing 1.3 million young men out of a total population of 40 million. Abstract. Urbanized population (%), 2012. Des réfugiés musulmans qui fuyaient la Reconquista espagnole, et plus tard l'Inquisition, firent souche en Languedoc-Roussillon et dans le Pays basque français, ainsi que dans le Béarn". " Notre vocation est d'informer les internautes sur le monde et les populations qui y vivent, par le biais de fiches pays synthétiques, de statistiques, de cartes d'actualités, d'articles ponctuels, le tout dans divers domaines touchant l'humanité. [128] Most immigrants living in France today are reported to cover the following sectors: agriculture, service to persons in need (childcare, the elderly), construction, education, health and services to businesses. Encontre diversos livros escritos por BALESTRE-A com ótimos preços. 1.2. Ce site est le fruit d'une passion : les Humains et la Terre. Immigrants are concentrated in Île-de-France, Rhone-Alpes, Provence and Côte d'Azur regions, accounting for 60% of the total immigrant population. French law facilitated the immigration of thousands of French settlers (colons in French language), ethnic or national French from former colonies of North and West Africa, India and Indochina, to mainland France. The French population only grew by 8.6% between 1871 and 1911, while Germany's grew by 60% and Britain's by 54%. Publisher. The high frequency of this haplogroup is typical in all West European populations. ", "Insee − Institut national de la statistique et des études économiques", "File:Total fertility rate, 1960–2015 (live births per woman) YB17.png - Statistics Explained", "Insee − Institut national de la statistique et des études économiques - Insee", Les immigrés, les descendants d'immigrés et leurs enfants, "Population totale par sexe et âge au 1 er janvier 2017, France métropolitaine−Bilan démographique 2016 - Insee", "Total Fertility Rate around the world over the last centuries", "Fertility Demographic balance sheet 2017 - Retrospective tables", "Demography - Number of live births - Metropolitan France", "Demography - Number of deaths - Metropolitan France", "World Population Prospects – Population Division – United Nations", "Fécondité totale, fécondité selon le groupe d'âges de la mère et âge moyen des mères à l'accouchement", "Tableau complémentaire 2 : Taux de fécondité par groupe d'âges", "INED – Population et Société – La fécondité des immigrées, nouvelles données, nouvelle approche (Avril 2004)", https://www.ined.fr/fichier/s_rubrique/29430/population.et.societes.568.2019.fecondite.immigrees.fr.pdf, "Âge moyen et âge médian de la population", "Un premier enfant à 28,5 ans en 2015 : 4,5 ans plus tard qu'en 1974", "Une estimation des populations d'origine étrangère en France en 2011", The Africanization of France...as of 2014, "Tableau VI.1 : Dépistage de la Drépanocytose en 2015", "Drépanocytose, la maladie génétique qui excite l'extrême droite", "Black residents of France say they are discriminated against", "France's ethnic minorities: To count or not to count", "French presidential candidates divided over race census". As the new immigrants were already culturally French, they needed little time to adjust to French society. Get this from a library! If France's population had grown at the same rate as that of England and Wales (which was also siphoned off by emigration to the Americas, Australia and New Zealand), France's population could have been as much as 150 million in 2000. [123], As mentioned above, the French Ministry of Immigration, Integration, National Identity and Codevelopment was created immediately following the appointment of Nicolas Sarkozy as president of France in 2007.