Monte Rosa-Plattje (10km) 2.8 °C. Klausberg - Ahrntal. Facebook Facebook, Designed by Elegant Themes | Powered by WordPress. Globalstrahlung 3.0 W/m² Sade 0.0 mm / 1 Std. A kunyhó a Gornergrat-fogaskerekűvel közelíthető meg legegyszerűbben, ami Zermattból indul és a Gornergrat-csúcsig vezet. Die Mittagszeit bringt wechselhaftes Wetter mit ab und zu Schneeschauern. Monte Rosa-Plattje (19km)-16.1 °C. Globalstrahlung 3.0 W/m² Neerslag 0.0 mm / 1 Std. In addition, good stamina and physical endurance is essential. Unterhalb der Hütte liegt der Gornergletscher, benannt nach dem Gornergrat, Endstation der Gornergratbahn. Hauteur du niveau de la mer 2.885 m Température-17.9 °C min. -11.8 °C (03:00) Dauwpunt-14.5 °C Wind ENE, 3 km/h . La cabane accueille également les adeptes de l’héliski à leur descente du Mont Rose. 4 dni; tendencja; 8 dni [P] 48 godz. Tripadvisor TripAdvisor Sion (63km) Weitere Stations météo Wallis. #insta-gallery-feed-743060215 .insta-gallery-list .insta-gallery-item .insta-gallery-image-wrap .insta-gallery-image-mask {background-color: #22427f;}#insta-gallery-feed-743060215 .insta-gallery-actions .insta-gallery-button {background-color: #226e7f;}#insta-gallery-feed-743060215 .info .follow {color: #226e7f!important;}#insta-gallery-feed-743060215 .insta-gallery-actions .insta-gallery-button:hover {background-color: #22427f;}#insta-gallery-feed-743060215 .info .follow:hover {color: #22427f!important;}. Aktuellste Messungen zu weiteren Parametern, Links zu weiteren Stationen. Simplon - Dorf (24km)-12.0 °C. -12.5 °C (01:00) max. Die Hütte ist ein idealder Startpunkt der vielen Gipfel im Monte Rosa Gebiet. In the afternoon variable sunny and cloudy weather will dominate. La cabane est située au pied du Mont Rose, au lieu dit « Plattje ». Gornergrat (13km) 6.4 °C. Forecast: Monte Rosa-Plattje Region In the next few days, it's mostly sunny. Vanaf de middaguren heerst er afwisselend bewolkt en zonnig weer. Point de départ de grandes sorties alpines, c’est aussi un but d’excursion journalier à partir de la station ferroviaire de Rotenboden. Montana (59km) 15.6 °C. … Montana (59km)-3.0 °C. Die Frühtemperaturen liegen bei rund -14 Grad. Wetterstation Monte Rosa-Plattje Karte Karte ausblenden -15.2 °C Heute, 06:50. -18.0 °C (00:00) Point de condensation-30.7 °C Vent E, 4 km/h . The Monte Rosa Section appeals to all users of the emergency room to comply with the guidelines of the Federal Council and the cantonal authorities. At the end of this accessible path you continue walking straight little left to the Gorner glacier. Visp (37km)-12.7 °C. Die MeteoGroup-Messnetzkarte für das Wallis bietet aktuelle Wetterdaten und Prognosen für die kommenden 4 Tagen. Zermatt (26km)-10.4 °C. Mottec (36km) 9.1 °C. Es … vor 3 Tagen Torbole sul Garda - Nago. De minimumtemperaturen in de … A raincoat is needless this day. The evening will bring nearly cloudless weather. Weather in Monte Rosa-Plattje, 14.11.2020 On Saturday it will be cloudless for a while. New Monte Rosa Hut project was awarded by “Holcim Awards Bronze 2008 Europe” for its solution. Evolène / Villa (40km) 8.6 °C. The Monte Rosa Hut (German: Monte Rosa Hütte) is a mountain hut located near Zermatt on the Monte Rosa massif (up to 4,634 m (15,203 ft)) and above the Grenzgletscher (Border Glacier) sitting on a glacier-free rocky part called Untere Plattje at an altitude of 2,883 metres (9,459 ft). The cantonal information can be found here: Sein Hauptgipfel, die Dufourspitze, ist mit 4634 m ü. M. der höchste Punkt der Schweiz und auch des gesamten deutschen Sprachraums. It is also the highest summit in Switzerland and 2nd highest in Western Europe, after Mont Blanc 4810m (15,780ft). Der Monte Rosa ist ein ausgedehntes Gebirgsmassiv in den Walliser Alpen, auf der Grenze zwischen Italien und der Schweiz. The walking time on the glacier itself would be approximately 4.5 hours. The current access to the Monte Rosa hut leads over the winter route: The details can be found under location and access . In the current situation, consideration and tolerance towards other visitors are very important. A sa gauche on trouve les jumeaux (Castor et Pollux), le Breithorn et en face le majestueux Cervin. Mottec (36km)-12.9 °C. 3920 Zermatt, Instagram Instagram Rafales de vent 7.9 km/h Pression atmosphérique 702.2 hPa (Stationsniveau) Humidité de l'air 32 % Rayon de soleil 0 % / 1 Std. Simplon - Dorf (47km)-6.1 °C. Auf der linken Seite findet man die Zwillinge (Castor und Pollux), das Breithorn sowie gleich gegenüber die majestätische Wand des Matterhorns. Proper hiking boots and crampons are necessary. The trail switchbacked up the slabby ridge, requiring fixed ropes at times, until we eventually reached the Monte Rosa Hut. Straight after the lake, a steep path leads you to the hut. Gandegg, 5 hours Start at Klein Matterhorn or Furgsattel and go towards Gandegg Skilift, then pass over the lower Theodul glacier on to the Gorner glacier and go up to the hut. glaciers. We do advise a mountain guide. Col du Grand St-Bernard (48km)-4.2 °C. Crampons are necessary. Photo: Hwking, CC BY-SA 3.0. Grächen (48km) Weitere Wetterstationen Wallis. Photo: Hwking, CC BY-SA 3.0. A menedékház a Monte Rosa hegy nyugati oldalán található a Plattje nevű helyen. Visp (48km) 7.3 °C. Graphiken zeigen den Verlauf von Temperatur, Sonnenschein, Niederschlag, Wind. Meteo News Pro: the new free app displaying 1-hour forecast! Find Accommodation Macugnaga. Mottec (36km) 6.4 °C. Wind chill 17.3 km/h Air pressure 692.8 hPa (Stationsniveau) Air humidity 63 % Sunshine 0 % / 1 H 0 % / 10 Min. Stazione meteorologica Monte Rosa-Plattje Biglietto Karte ausblenden -3.6 °C Oggi, 20:20. Trouver un logement Monterosa. Letzte Bewertungen . A warm welcome to the Monte Rosa alpine hut, The hut is closed until middel of March 2021. Gorner glacier- a very special experience for the guests, 6+ hours. surrounded by the spectacular Gorner, Grenz and Monte-Rosa The hut is an ideal starting point for the many hikes up to 4000 meter peaks, for example the Dufourspitze, Nordend and Lyskamm mountains. Once you reach the glacier, you have an option to ascend on skis to reach the hut. Schwarztor, 4-5 hours , Start is at the Klein Matterhorn over the Schwarztor towards the Gorner glacier with an ascent to the hut. This is the wind, wave and weather forecast for Monte Rosa Hütte in Valais, Switzerland. The daily high increases from -5 degrees on Sunday to 2 degrees on Monday. You reach the edge on about 3120 m (pole). 0 % / 10 Min. -9.4 °C (11:00) Dewpoint-16.6 °C Wind Northwest, 5 km/h . Zermatt (19km) 5.0 °C. Its location offers stunning views of the glacier Gornergrat at one side and twin peaks Castor and Pollux, peak Breithorn, and the majestic Matterhorn (Zermatt) at its other side. Sea level 2,885 m Temperature-11.0 °C min. Once you walk through the glacier you reach the Monte Rosa lake. Poles or an ice axe, and eventually a rope would be helpful to have with you. 0.6 °C (00:00) Punto di rugiada-16.7 °C Vento NE, 2 km/h . Diese Webseite verwendet Cookies, um Ihnen ein angenehmeres Surfen zu ermöglichen. Tom kindly passed ownership on to myself March 2014 and with the benefit of recent as well as past experience of Monte Rosa, I have completely revised the page and added a lot of new material and photos. -15.3 °C (06:00) max. Thereafter you reach a passage over the Gorner glacier. Die Benützung des Notraums in unseren Hütten liegt in der persönlichen Verantwortung der Besucher. Tripadvisor TripAdvisor OK Comments Membership info Register new Login Seehöhe 2.885 m Temperatur-15.2 °C min. Blatten, Lötschental (50km)-15.6 °C. The emergency room in our hut is not available as a winter room for mountain tours, but is only used as an emergency room for people who get into mountain distress. Unterkünfte finden Monterosa. Zermatt (19km) 7.2 °C. At the glacier, there is an ascent. Monte Rosa-Plattje pogoda. Forecast This forecast is based on the GFS model. To stay overnight in this emergency room you need to bring the usual bivouac material (cooker, cooking utensils and sleeping bag). 5h von Zermatt über Furi und den Gornergletscher; 2. Sion (63km) Weitere Meteorologické stanice Wallis. Sääasema Monte Rosa-Plattje Kartta Karte ausblenden -12.4 °C Tänään, 21:10. The old route 4+ hours The Monte-Rosa hut is located in high-altitude mountains and is not considered to be a standard hikers’ cottage. 4hours through the old path or via the new Monte Rosa Panoramatrail  (see the ascents). Rittner Horn. The transitions as well as pathways on the glacier may change and are often tricky. The use of the emergency room … Unterkünfte finden Monterosa. Die Hütte ist ein idealder Startpunkt für die vielen Gipfel im Monte Rosa Gebiet. Letzte Bewertungen. The use of the emergency room in our huts is the personal responsibility of the visitors. Reservations are not possible and the cantonal regulations in connection with Covid-19 apply. Thereafter you reach a passage over the Gorner glacier. Mottec (35km)-15.7 °C. Windfinder specializes in wind, waves, tides and weather reports & forecasts for wind related sports like kitesurfing, windsurfing, surfing, sailing, fishing or paragliding. Stockhorn, 4-5 hours Start at the Rote Nase station over the Stockhorn and the Saaserlücke to reach the hut. The route through the glacier is identified with blue and white markings. [P] 14 dni >30 dni; pogoda; wiatr; wskaźnik UV; warunki drogowe co 3 godz. 0 mm / 6 Std. Op dinsdagochtend is het nog grijs, maar overwegend droog. -11.7 °C (00:00) Taupunkt-19.5 °C Wind E, 2 km/h . -13.0 °C (00:00) max. Binn (48km)-14.6 °C. -9.1 °C (13:00) Sulamispiste-14.7 °C Tuuli WSW, 3 km/h . In der aktuellen Situation sind Rücksichtnahme und Toleranz gegenüber den anderen Besuchern sehr wichtig. Die Gipfel des Monte Rosa zählen zu de… Kilian Emmenegger & Richard Lehner At 4634m (15,203ft) the Dufourspitze is the highest of the eight 4 thousand metre summits of the Monte Rosa massif. The hut wardens Kili and Richi with team welcomes you middle of March 2021. In the current situation, consideration and tolerance towards other visitors are very important. Tuulen korkeimmat lukemat 7.2 km/h Ilmanpaine 700.9 hPa (Stationsniveau) Ilmankosteus 83 % Auringonpaiste 0 % / 1 Std. Please note that crampons are required. The wardens Windspitzen 6.1 km/h Luftdruck 700.6 hPa (Stationsniveau) Luftfeuchtigkeit 70 % Sonnenschein 0 % / 1 Std. Den Umkreis der Hütte bilden die Viertausender Castor, Pollux, Liskamm und das Monte-Rosa-Massiv mit der Dufourspitze. Some ropes and step iron make the crossing easier. Visp (48km) 10.9 °C. Gornergrat (13km) 8.9 °C. Zermatt (28km)-10.7 °C. It is a high alpine hiking trail with a difficulty of T4 according to the Swiss Alpine Club (SAC). The Monte-Rosa hut is located in high-altitude mountains and is not considered to be a standard hikers’ cottage. Simplon - Dorf (47km) 12.2 °C. Öffnungszeiten . Globalstrahlung 3.0 W/m² Niederschlag 0.0 mm / 1 Std. Diese Webseite verwendet Cookies, um Ihnen ein angenehmeres Surfen zu ermöglichen. Gornerli, 6 hours Start in Zermatt or Furi and go pass over the Gornerli and Gorner glacier to the hut. Unterkünfte finden Matterhorn / Mont Cervin. Then you go at the left side down and along the Monte-Rosa-Glacierbreak and the rocks. There were some picnic tables outside where we took a break to admire the scenery. Graphiken zeigen den Verlauf von Temperatur, Sonnenschein, Niederschlag, Wind. Mitte Juni – Ende September 2020. 0 % / 10 Min. This website uses cookies. Auf der linken Seite findet man die Zwillinge (Castor und Pollux), das Breithorn sowie gleich gegenüber die majestätische Wand des Matterhorns. Monte Rosa-Plattje (10km)-17.3 °C. The trail starts from Rotenboden and is a wide and easily accessible path. 284 Mischabel (1:50000), Instagram Instagram Nach dem wechselnd bewölkten Wetter mit ab und zu Schneeschauern vom Morgen wird es bald grau und trüb, aber meist trocken. This page was initially written by Tom Fralich in 2001. Het weer in Monte Rosa-Plattje, 05.01.2021. Die Hütte steht am Fusse des Monte Rosa Massifs, am Orte "Plattje". Évaluations . Weerstation Monte Rosa-Plattje Kaart Plattegrond verbergen -12.5 °C Vandaag, 07:00. The Monte Rosa Section declines all liability, especially in connection with Covid-19. Detaillierte Messwerte der letzten 24h an der Messstation Monte Rosa Plattje. The route is identified with blue and white markings. 0 % / 10 Min. You go up slightly on the S-side and traverse the middle tongue of the Monte-Rosa-glacier to the Unteren Plattje and the hut (2-3h) Castor 4226 m and Pollux 4092 m Klausberg - Ahrntal. During the off Season there is only one emergency room with 12 sleeping places  open in our hut. Evolène / Villa (40km) 12.2 °C. Detaillierte Messwerte der letzten 24h an der Messstation Monte Rosa Plattje. Eggishorn (51km) Weitere Weather stations Wallis. The hut had recently been renovated and looked pretty fancy. 1. Gornergrat (13km)-14.5 °C. A Gorner- gleccser, és több ezer méter magas hegyek (Monte Rosa, Lyskamm, Castor, Pollux, Breithorn és Matterhorn) uralják ezt a vidéket. Station météo Monte Rosa-Plattje Carte Masquer plan -17.9 °C Aujourd'hui, 00:50. Montana (59km) 13.4 °C. Grächen (28km)-11.9 °C. Sion (63km) Weitere Meteorologické stanice Wallis. Free weather Apps. 0 % / 10 Min. vor 3 Tagen Keine Einträge gefunden. 1. Evolène / Villa (33km)-8.0 °C. 4h ab Furi über Gorndergletscher; 3. De ochtendtemperaturen liggen rond de -15 graden. Visp (48km)-9.0 °C. After the Glacier leads the Panoramatrail to the first moraine you get into big rocks. The Monte Rosa Hut is a mountain hut located near Zermatt on the Monte Rosa massif and above the Grenzgletscher sitting on a glacier-free rocky part called Untere Plattje at an altitude of 2,883 metres. Grächen (37km) 7.2 °C. Zermatt (19km)-15.5 °C. Bitte Fahrzeiten der Bahnen konsultieren; 4. 4h ab Bergstation Sessellift Fur… Aktuellste Messungen zu weiteren Parametern, Links zu weiteren Stationen. The Monte Rosa Hut is a mountain hut located near Zermatt on the Monte Rosa massif and above the Grenzgletscher sitting on a glacier-free rocky part called Untere Plattje at an altitude of 2,883 metres. Ligging boven zeeniveau 2.885 m Temperatuur-12.5 °C min. Die Hütte steht am Fusse des Monte Rosa Massifs, am Orte "Plattje". Wetter in Monte Rosa-Plattje, 04.01.2021. It is owned by the Swiss Alpine Club. Gornergrat (22km)-9.6 °C. Rom. Starting in May From the beginning of May, when the trail has no snow and is dry, the start of the hike is at the station Rotenboden which follows the summer path towards the Gorner glacier. Die Sektion Monte Rosa appelliert an alle Benützer des Notraums sich an die Vorgaben des Bundesrates sowie der kantonalen Behörden zu halten. Punte di vento 4.3 km/h Pressione atmosferica 719.7 hPa (Stationsniveau) Umidità dell'aria 35 % Sole splendente 0 % / 1 Std. The name of the area is “Plattje” which lies at the foot of the Monte Rosa massif/mountain range. -13.0 °C (00:00) max. In de loop van de dag worden temperaturen van maximaal -12 graden bereikt. Montagnier, Bagnes (48km)-9.6 °C. The start is at Rotenboden (Gornergratbahn) station along a wide and easy walkable trail followed by a climbing up a 15m ladder. This variation is also used as a way back to Zermatt when the gorge at the bottom of the Gorner glacier can no longer be hiked through. Panoramatrail Monte Rosa Hütte, 4 hours (recommended Variation), New option available from the 6th July 2019. Aktuelles Wetter und präzise Detailprognosen, einfach und übersichtlich. Mottec (44km)-10.8 °C. Monte Rosa-Plattje (10km)-3.7 °C. Elle domine le glacier du Gorner du nom du Gornergrat situé à sa droite, terminus du chemin de fer du même nom. Please be aware of the train and gondela schedule! The hut is situated at 2,883 meters (9,458 feet) of Monte Rosa at the place called “Plattje”. De namiddag brengt ons bewolkt, maar overwegend droog weer. Die Hütte steht auf 2883 m ü. M. am nordwestlichen Fuss des Monte-Rosa-Massivs auf einem abfallenden Felsplateau, das «Plattje» genannt wird. Windpiek 8.3 km/h Luchtdruk 701.8 hPa (Stationsniveau) Luchtvochtigheid 85 % Zonneschijn 0 % / 1 Std. Evolène / Villa (40km)-7.4 °C. The start is at Rotenboden (Gornergratbahn) station along a wide and easy walkable trail followed by a climbing up a 15m ladder. After the third moraine the Monte Rosa Hut is nearby. The Monte Rosa Section appeals to all users of the emergency room to comply with the guidelines of the Federal Council and the cantonal authorities. Altezza sul livello del mare 2.885 m Temperatura-3.6 °C min. -6.3 °C (18:00) max. Richtung Westen bietet die Hütte den Blick auf das … Over the big crevasses you cross the glacier. The walk starts at the Monte Rosa hut and follows the Gorner glacier all the way down to Furi – Zermatt. Facebook Facebook, Designed by Elegant Themes | Powered by WordPress, The current access to the Monte Rosa hut leads over the winter route: The details can be found under. Simplon - Dorf (47km) 14.7 °C. After the secone moraine you go over some slate plates. Read about how we use cookies. Keine Einträge gefunden. Monte Rosa-Plattje (27km)-9.4 °C. 1348 Zermatt (1:25000) 4h bis 5h ab Rote Nase über Stockhornpass. 0 % / 10 Min. Grächen (37km) 4.0 °C. Recent ratings . Grächen (37km)-13.9 °C. Der Grenzgipfel mit 4618 m (südlich des 4515 m hohen Silbersattels) ist der höchste Gipfel des Monte Rosa in Italien. Weather station Monte Rosa-Plattje Map Hide map -11.0 °C Today, 12:30. Kyläkorkeus 2.885 m Lämpötila-12.4 °C min. The Monte-Rosa hut is located in the most pristine landscape