Laban a été injuste, déloyal et a trompé Jacob […] Laban promised to give Rachel to Jacob if he would work for him for seven years (Genesis 29:19–20). 3 Whenever all the flocks came together there, the shepherds would roll the stone back and water them. Uncle Laban's deception and manipulation did not stop with his daughters, Jacob's wives, but extended into his wages. Ce qu’il faut comprendre c’est qu’il va retourner en plein dans une zone de conflit ! He sneaks off and Laban chases after him. (Genèse 30.25-31.55) 40. Genèse 31.19–20 : « Tandis que Laban était allé tondre ses brebis, Rachel déroba les théraphim de son père; et Jacob trompa Laban, l’Araméen, en ne l’avertissant pas de sa fuite. They strike an agreement to do each other no harm, though Laban still claims that all Jacob has is … Jacob Flees From Laban. God tells him to go back to Canaan, his family’s land. Name your “wages” This is the same word that Laban used in 29:15 when Jacob first came to Laban. At every turn, Laban took advantage of Jacob. » Voici un portrait de Jacob, avec sa famille qui est maintenant très prospère et qui quitte Laban. Jacob demande donc à Laban de contrôler les bêtes qui lui reviennent, mais celui-ci les fait retirer des troupeaux et les confie à ses fils qui vont ensuite les emmener avec eux, à trois jours de marche de là où se trouve Jacob (Gen. 30:36), le laissant démuni de ce qui devait constituer son salaire. Jacob et Ésaü - 2e partie. Laban le rattrape mais, dans un songe, D.ieu le … Even Laban's daughters Leah … Jacob’s blemished flock prospers and Laban’s diminishes. Après vingt ans de service, Jacob prépare son départ de Laban en lui faisant une proposition potentiellement lucrative. Jacob connaît la prospérité en dépit des efforts de Laban pour le flouer. Et donc Jacob quitte Laban et la Mésopotamie. Jacob quitte Laban. And time passes. 31 Jacob heard that Laban’s sons were saying, “Jacob has taken everything our father owned and has gained all this wealth from what belonged to our father.” 2 And Jacob noticed that Laban’s attitude toward him was not what it had been(3 Then the Lord said to Jacob, “Go back to the land of your fathers and to your relatives, and I will be with you.” Jacob retourne dans le sud où il va passer dans le territoire de son frère Esaü. Craignant le ressentiment de son oncle, Jacob le quitte subrepticement avec ses femmes, ses enfants et ses troupeaux pour retourner en Canaan. Jacob, Laban and Rachel” (31cm by 38cm), oil on paper, currently held in a private collection. Jacob returned to his mother’s homeland and met Laban’s daughter Rachel, with whom he fell madly in love (Genesis 29:18). 1 Jacob continued on his way and went toward the land of the East. The reason Jacob left in this manner was due to his distrust of Laban, who had deceived Jacob and changed his wages 10 times (Genesis 31:7). Date unknown. Jacob ends up working fourteen years for the woman of his dreams. Au bout de six années, Jacob quitte secrètement ‘Haran, de crainte que Laban l’empêche de partir avec sa famille et les biens pour lesquels il a travaillé. Laban had chased down Jacob after he left Haran without telling him. The flocks were watered from this well, which had a large stone over the opening. The woman weeping may alternatively be Leah, humiliated at this moment by her new husband’s obvious disdain, reflecting this excoriation: “When morning came, there was Leah! Jacob has been with Laban for 20 years. 2 Suddenly he came upon a well out in the fields with three flocks of sheep lying around it. 30:28 – Laban offers Jacob a blank check. Jacob Arrives at Laban's Home. Jacob negotiated the terms in that case as well. However, Laban proved to be as duplicitous as Jacob himself. In both cases, Laban “changed Jacob’s wages.” Note the parallel in Gen. 29:15-30 and 31:41-42.